Brewer of the Year 18-19

20 October 2024
  • 20 October 2024 - Festbier (4B)
16 March 2025
  • 16 March 2025 - Kolsch (5B)
13 April 2025
  • 13 April 2025 - Fixed Recipe

    Grain and Grape  fresh wort kit Chris's British Ale or make from all grain
    Bitterness: 35 IBUs using challenger hops
    Grist make up: Joe White Pilsner 46%, JW Ale 46%, JW Crystal 4% and JW Caramalt 4%
    Late hops: Fuggles and Goldings
    Recommended yeasts: Bluestone London, Wyeast 1098, SAFS04 or Danstar Nottingham

15 June 2025
  • 15 June 2025 - American Porter (20A)
17 August 2025
  • 17 August 2025 - German Pils (5D)
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